Another variation of our popular arts and crafts club, this gives the students the opportunity to look at a different style and put down their ideas in a creative and colourful form of art.
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts Club covers a variety of studies and skills. The pupils study some famous artists and try to emulate their techniques. They also use skills linked to the curriculum for their age group such as studying light and shade in pencil. They also learn to improve control of tools and techniques, such as cutting and paper manipulation skills.
Film Club
For those students who are budding film critics, they will watch and review a variety of different movies honing their media skills. Critiquing work is a key skill for any young student, especially those potential film makers among us.
Done through drama, meditation and colouring, this club is a great opportunity for our young students.
Traditional Cartoons
This club is a great activity for students to watch and review traditional cartoons from the classic era´s of animation. It helps students to understand the origin of big companies such as Disney and Warner Brothers.
ICT is such a broad subject encompassing many skills. The students here have a great opportunity to play educational games, research areas of interest, and take advantage of the excellent range of software the school has to provide.
Maths and Reading
This activity is a great opportunity for those students who want some extra time to boost their numeracy and literacy skills. Structured tasks are lead by relevant specialists.