Life after King’s
The school has a very experienced Careers and University entrance Advisory Department which offers pupils extensive help and advice when applying for Higher Education, whether in the UK or in the rest of the world. One hundred percent (100%) of Year 13 leavers gain a place at a university of their choice.
Generally universities look most favourably upon applications from schools such as ours, as they appreciate that the multi-cultural, multi-lingual nature of our students will enrich their undergraduate life. Every year, approximately one hundred pupils complete their studies at King’s College and enter the best international universities. Many of them go to the United Kingdom with many gaining places at prestigious universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London and University College London (UCL) . Another group opts for Spanish institutions including both private and public universities, most of which are located in the Madrid area. Finally, a group of students goes on to study at top universities in the United States, such as Stanford, Harvard or Berkeley.
Our student’s successes